Monday, July 30, 2007

opposites attract

Do they really?
I have a hard time believing this statement. Of course things such as magnets do attract but that's straight science! When emotions are on the table, it's a different game. You cannot prove to me that a couple, one of which loves something that the other one hates could possibly work without having more issues than normal (then again, what is normal?). As an example; a person who despises NASCAR is not going to enjoy being with a person who loves and appreciates NASCAR. (NASCAR happens to be my example because this concept came to me as I passed by a NASCAR stadium yesterday, but the same goes for political parties, drinking habits, social skills, etc).

A couple must appreciate one another and the things that the other person may love, which will not always be something they love too.
The other person must at least respect the other persons likes and dislikes or else their future will be doomed. Such a fine line falls here that it often becomes the deciding factor in the ending of relationships. You don't have to share every interest with your partner, but you must respect what they love and be able to put up with it. If you cannot see yourself doing so, you might want to rethink your relationship before it comes back to bite you.

I look forward to hearing your comments and opinions on this,

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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

There are so many neat blogs out there now and today I was thinking of starting my own. Then it dawned on me that I have this one!

So here I go!

Today got me thinking about mobiles and how neat they are.

Alexander Calder is the godfather of mobiles and his work is seen quite often. Two of his works (that I know of) are in Albany, NY. One can be seen in the Albany International Airport and the other in Corning Tower in the Empire State Plaza.

I was considering how one would go about building one of their own pieces and if it is easier to start at the bottom and work your way up, or from top down.

Regardless, I think it would be fun, and worth your efforts!
